What is Rogaining?
Rogaining is the sport of long distance cross-country navigation, in which teams of two to five people visit as many checkpoints as they wish in a set time period. The classic rogaine is 24 hours in duration, however, there are also shorter events of 3, 6, 8 and 12 hours.
Most QRA rogaines are held on foot in picturesque bush and farmland locations, however some events are held in metropolitan areas (“Metrogaines”) or on bikes (“Cyclegaines”). There are also regular multi-discipline events held in South East Queensland which use a rogaine format for each leg – these are known as ‘Raid’ events and are organised by Raid Adventures.
The start/finish area – or “Hash House” provides food and drink for all competitors for the duration of the event. Teams may return to the Hash House as often and for as long as they wish for food, rest, sleep or socialising.
While longer Rogaines provide the opportunity for night navigation, it is by no means compulsory. In a 24 hour event, many teams decide to spend the night at the Hash House and head out again the next morning to visit some more checkpoints.
Rogaining is a real adventure sport and is a lot of fun.
Check out this video for a brief introduction to the sport:
Video provided courtesy of Channel Seven and The Great South East
Who is it for?
Rogaining is a team activity for people of all ages and levels of fitness. Everyone from elite athletes to families with young children can enjoy rogaining. New rogainers are always welcome and experienced rogainers will be only too pleased to offer assistance.
The parts of the course you visit are entirely up to you and your team members. There are no set routes and you don’t have to spend the whole time on the course.
Some competitive teams may cover 50 km in a 12 hour event and over 100 km in an event of 24 hours duration. However, the distance you travel is entirely up to you.
The satisfaction comes in finding your way around the course according to the route that you have chosen, and navigating back to the finish within the time limit.
What do you need?
Rogaining is good value for money; all you need is basic bushwalking gear including comfortable shoes, warm clothes, a compass, whistle, pencil, water bottle, food for out on the course and a basic team first aid kit.
On 12 and 24 hour events you may also wish to bring along camping gear and spend overnight at the Hash House. If you plan to try night navigation, you will need a good torch.
What does it cost?
Entry fees vary generally from $10 to $50 each depending on the duration of the event (maybe more if kayak hire is included). This covers food at the Hash House during the event, your map, information sheets and facilities at the Hash House.
When you participate in a QRA rogaine you automatically become a member of the Association. No membership fee is payable.
Where are events held?
The Queensland Rogaine Association organises several events each year in both South East Queensland and North Queensland, as not-for-profit events run entirely by volunteers. In addition, Raid Adventures organise several multi-discipline rogaine-format events in SEQ under the ‘Rogaining Queensland’ banner, in partnership with QRA. See the Events page for details.
Outdoor Australia article
For more information, have a read of this article on rogaining, courtesy of Outdoor Australia magazine