Event Result History

Here is a list of event results for Anthony Pohlner:

Event Name Date Course Teammate Name(s) Score Category Placings
Bottle Glass and Vodka Cyclegaine 2024-09-14 6 hour cyclegaine Mark Murray
Christine Perry
1870 Overall: 1
XV: 1
X: 1
Sundown Sunup 15/24hr 2024-08-17 24hr Rogaine Kim Piercy
Penny Spiers
Trevor Mullens
190 Overall: 13
XV: 5
X: 7
Groovin the Moog 2024-06-15 8hr Rogaine Christine Perry
650 Overall: 42
X: 27
XV: 15
2023 Metrogaine 2023-10-28 6hr Christine Perry
1760 Overall: 2
2023 Mojo 8hr 2023-08-26 Course 8hr Christine Perry
1670 Overall: 13
Traversing the Cauldron 2023-07-08 Course 24hr Christine Perry
2170 Overall: 3
X: 1
XV: 1
Glen Rock Lucky Lantana 2023-06-17 Course Glen Rock Rogaine Paul Sharwood
Graham Hazelwood
970 Overall: 3
M: 1
MV: 1
Escape Raid Trek 2023-05-28 Course Escape Raid Trek Christine Perry
650 Overall: 11
XO: 6
XV: 5
Rogue Raid 2023 2023-04-29 Course Rogue Raid Christine Perry
Gary Palmer
Russel Stringer
1660 Overall: 7
Cataract River 24hr Qld Championships 2022-10-29 Course 24hr rogaine Mark Wilson
Christine Perry
1980 Overall: 1
X: 1
XV: 1
Mojo Raid 2022 2022-08-27 12hr Christine Perry
Mark Wilson
Sara Barret
2410 Overall: 2
Shaking the Tamborine 2022-08-13 Course 5hr Rogaine Christine Perry
600 Overall: 7
X: 4
XV: 4
Hurley Burleigh Metrogaine 2022-07-24 Course 6hr Christine Perry
1360 Overall: 2
Escape Raid Paddle 2022-05-29 Course Escape Raid Kayak Christine Perry
Lucas Perry
James Galligan
740 Overall: 18
XO: 13
Escape Raid 2022-05-28 Course Escape Raid Trek 6hr Christine Perry
Lucas Perry
James Galligan
560 Overall: 23
XO: 14
Raid 100 2022 2022-05-01 Full Bevan Koopman
Christine Perry
Mark Wilson
549 Overall: 3
Mojo Raid 2021 2021-08-28 Course 12 Hour Christine Perry
Mark Wilson
Bevan Koopman
1980 Overall: 2
X: 1
XV: 1
Buarabarama 6/12hr 2021-06-26 Course 12 hour Christine Perry
LATE Overall:  
X: –
XV: –
Mermaid T(r)ail 8hr 2021-05-22 Course 8 hour Christine Perry
710 Overall: 33
X: 19
XV: 11
Rogue Raid 2021 2021-05-08 Course 24 hour 4 person team Mark Wilson
Shelly Akester
Gary Palmer
1750 Overall: 7
XO: 7
XV: 2
2021 Wildfire Raid 2021-04-17 Course 6 hour Mark Wilson
1480 Overall: 2
MO: 2
MV: 2
2021 Paddlegaine 2021-02-27 Course 4hr Paddlegaine Glen Harris
1050 Overall: 18
M: 10
Granite Belt Duet 3/6hr Foot Rogaine 2020-11-07 Course 6hr Rogaine Christine Perry
410 Overall: 41
X: 25
XV: 11
Yarrabilby Hop 8hr 2020-10-17 Course 8hr Rogaine Christine Perry
Mark Wilson
1350 Overall: 2
X: 1
Wildfire Raid 2020 2020-09-19 Course 6 hour Christine Perry
1060 Overall: 15
XO: 7
XV: 6
Rogue Raid 2020 2020-08-29 Course 24hr Christine Perry
Gary Palmer
Mark Wilson
1950 Overall: 2
XO: 2
XV: 1