Event Result History

Here is a list of event results for Gary Walsh:

Event Name Date Course Teammate Name(s) Score Category Placings
Numinbah Naviramah 2024-07-20 6 hour Matthew Stanley
Alex Gilks
Paul O’connell
540 Overall: 15
M: 6
MV: 2
Groovin the Moog 2024-06-15 8hr Rogaine Alex Gilks
Matthew Stanley
990 Overall: 17
M: 9
MV: 5
Escape Raid Kayak 2023-05-28 Course Escape Raid Kayak Matthew Stanley
400 Overall: 16
MO: 6
MV: 2
Escape Raid Bike 2023-05-28 Course Escape Raid Bike Matthew Stanley
930 Overall: 9
MO: 5
MV: 3
Escape Raid Trek 2023-05-28 Course Escape Raid Trek Matthew Stanley
710 Overall: 7
MO: 4
MV: 2
Cataract River 24hr Qld Championships 2022-10-29 Course 24hr rogaine Matthew Stanley
610 Overall: 27
M: 9
MV: 5
Hurley Burleigh Metrogaine 2022-07-24 Course 3hr Paul O’connell
Matthew Stanley
560 Overall: 5
Wildfire Raid 2022 2022-06-25 6hr Darryl Capner
910 Overall: 19
MO: 10
Escape Raid Paddle 2022-05-29 Course Escape Raid Kayak Matthew Stanley
Paul O’connell
Darryl Capner
730 Overall: 19
MO: 5
MV: 4
Escape Raid 2022-05-28 Course Escape Raid Trek 6hr Matthew Stanley
Paul O’connell
Darryl Capner
450 Overall: 34
MO: 9
MV: 4
Rogue Raid 2021 2021-05-08 Course 6 hour 2 person team Matthew Stanley
460 Overall: 16
MO: 11
MV: 5
2021 Wildfire Raid 2021-04-17 Course 6 hour Paul O’connell
1040 Overall: 54
MO: 28
MV: 15
2021 Paddlegaine 2021-02-27 Course 4hr Paddlegaine Matthew Stanley
950 Overall: 26
M: 14
MV: 8
Granite Belt Duet 3/6hr Foot Rogaine 2020-11-07 Course 6hr Rogaine Matthew Stanley
Alex Gilks
290 Overall: 53
M: 16
MV: 7
Yarrabilby Hop 8hr 2020-10-17 Course 8hr Rogaine Matthew Stanley
690 Overall: 36
M: 16
MV: 8