Yarrabilby Hop 8 Hour Rogaine – 17 October – entries closing soon!
The Yarrabilby Hop Rogaine will now take place on Saturday 17 October, and entries are open (closing mid next week). We’re all looking forward to finally being able to get out there and enjoy the course! Some pics from the control hanging have been posted to the QRA Facebook page. Hope to see you there! If you signed up for the original date but can’t make it on the 17th, you can still claim a full refund.
Enter now via the event page, here.
The Granite Belt Duet – 3/6 hour foot rogaine and 3/6 hour cyclegaine over two days – 7-8 November
Entries are open in the Granite Belt Duet, including a 3/6hr foot rogaine on the Saturday in the spactacular Girraween National Park and a 3/6hr cyclegaine in the Passchendaale area on the Sunday. You can choose to do just one of the events, or both. Camping at the Girraween Environmental Lodge is included in the entry fee for Saturday’s event, but there is also the option of booking accommodation with one of the many local accommodation providers.
Our 3/6hr foot rogaining event on Saturday 7 November will be held in spectacular Girraween National Park. The event is great for families and beginner rogainers, getting back to the Hash House before dark to enjoy dinner by the campfire. It will also be a challenging and exciting competition for the elite rogainer.
Our 3/6hr cyclegaine event will be held on Sunday 8 November, and will take in some of the very scenic granite boulder country including forestry and farmland.
Call for volunteers: We still need helpers for the following tasks at the Granite Belt Duet:
- Admin & Navlight assistant for Saturday afternoon (2:30 to 6:30 pm).
- Campsite assistant – chainsaw required for firewood
- Water and safety – 4×4 for doing the water drop and safety patrol.
If you can help, or one of your family members can help, please email Peter. You will earn a Volunteer Reward, as well as having a great time!
Entries are now open on the event page. Get in quick!
2021 Rogaining Queensland Calendar
The calendar of QRA and Raid Adventures events for 2021 is now available. Put the dates in your diary!
Now is a great time to think about how you could help us deliver these events by volunteering. In 2021, entries for each of the QRA-run events will not open until the organiser of each event is satisfied that they have enough helpers to run the event. Has it been a while since you’ve given up the chance to compete, and put up your hand to help? Have a look at the calendar and pick an event to give volunteering a go. You’ll have a great time and learn a lot in the process. As a rule of thumb, if you’ve competed in 5 events without giving up the chance to compete and volunteer, it’s time you helped out. QRA is completely run by volunteers, and we do need all club members (that’s you! i.e. everyone who has participated in a rogaine!) to pitch in to help run our events.
Each QRA event has a Volunteer Grid on the event page which shows the roles we need to fill before entries can open. Email volunteer@qldrogaine.asn.au to enquire about roles and/or put your hand up. As a volunteer you can claim your expenses, which includes a generous per-kilometre rate for your own car usage, food and budget accommodation while course setting, etc. There is information on volunteering here and lots of resources here.
Volunteers at QRA or Raid Adventures events who have contributed at least a full day to an event and have given up their opportunity to compete are offered a $50 credit towards entry in a QRA or Raid Adventures event of their choosing within the following 12 months. A list of people who have earned rewards is on the website. The reward can be claimed by ticking the appropriate box when entering an event.
Thanks for your assistance!
2021 QRA Committee
Big thanks to Sue Clarke (president), Peter Blyton (secretary) and Janelle Schafer (treasurer) and the other committee members for keeping QRA running smoothly this year. We would like to encourage anyone who has an interest in contributing to the committee to please step forward. At the moment we only have a small number of people regularly contributing to the committee meetings, which means a small number of people doing most of the work. Ideally we would have enough people contributing to the committee meetings to allow one person (preferably not an office fholder) to be an event coordinator for each event. This takes the pressure of the main event organisers and the committee office holders. Want to see QRA continue to hold a full calendar of events? Can you help? Please contact volunteer@qldrogaine.asn.au.
Raid Events
The Wildfire Raid was held on 19 September, and it was a really fun event with a lot of new faces taking part. Results are here, and a great drone video (by Mark Wilson) is here.
Entries are now open in this year’s Urban Rogue – 3 hours of fun urban rogaining on a summer evening in the Brisbane CBD.
Regular MapRunF Events
Orienteering Queensland has been offering plenty of metrogaine-style urban events, check out the Night Nav and MapRun Parks pages for info. You can also try out dozens of old courses, and make your own, using the MapRunF app.
The last MTBO for 2020 will be on a private vehicle training and testing facility owned by the RACQ. The MTBO club has been able to negotiate exclusive access at a massive discount from their corporate rates. The site has bitumen roads for everything from autonomous vehicles to road trains, a 4WD test track, skid pans, drift pans and single track all set in native forest and open parklands. Joel Young will be designing Middle Distance course and a 90 minute Score course for family groups or teams. Don’t miss your change to ride this normally off-limits site. Entry and more info in Eventor – https://eventor.orienteering.asn.au/Events/Show/10310
For all MTBO news, please visit www.mtbo.com.au.
Rogaining around the world…
The 2021 World Rogaining Championships (rescheduled from 2020) will be held in California on 14-15 August 2021.
The 2022 WRC will be held in the Czech Republic.
…and across Australia…
The rogaining associations in each state and territory are running events where possible. Please visit their websites at these links.
The 2020 Australasian Champs that had been planned for South Australia will now be held on 29-30 May 2021 and will be the 2021 Australasian Champs.
Stay safe!
Please continue to follow the public health advice, and let’s hope Queensland avoids any more major virus flare-ups. We look forward to seeing you at rogaining events soon.
On behalf of your rogaining committee,
Paul Guard
QRA Communications