SEQ Rogaining Bulletin – January 2024

Welcome to a new rogaining year! We hope you had a fun and relaxing break and look forward to your involvement in our events this year, either as a participant or a valued volunteer.

Planning Day – Sunday afternoon, 18th February
Do you love rogaining? Would you like to help make sure we can put on lots of rogaines in SEQ this year? Then come along to our planning day!
This will be a relaxed informal discussion about to propose and

discuss locations, format, organisers and other helpers for all the QRA SEQ events this year. Refreshments will be provided and it’s a great way to meet other like-minded rogainers with a mix of experience levels.
Sign up here:
If you can’t make the planning day please email with your ideas or offers to help.

We will hold our AGM immediately following the Paddlegaine on 10th of February. There will be a special resolution to adopt a new constitution which will bring it up to date, the proposed rules will be posted on the QRA website for perusal shortly. Please consider putting up your hand for a committee role, we’re always keen to have new ideas and there are plenty of unfilled positions. We are particularly keen to have a person dedicated to the role of Volunteer Coordinator, and I’m also keen to find someone who can take over the role of Bulletin Editor, too!

2024 Bayside Paddlegaine
The 2024 Rogaining Queensland season opener! Places in this event are filling up fast and there is a cap on numbers, so get your entry in!

The Bayside Paddlegaine will once again be making use of the stunning coastal regions of the great south-east.  A race against the clock, spend up to 4 hours paddling through coastal areas (with just enough trekking or running to stretch your legs!), all the while hunting down checkpoints.

2023 Australian Intervarsity Rogaining Championships – Event Report
QRA and the NAMSF sponsored the travel of two UQ Mountain Club teams to compete at the 2023 Australian Intervarsity Rogaining Championships. Check out their event report! In 2024 the ARC in WA in September is also the Australian Intervarsity Rogaining Championships, and the NAMSF will again be offering generous funding to cover the travel costs for one university team from each state and territory to enable them to compete. Contact for more information.

2024 QRA Event Calendar and Volunteering
The QRA committee has set out the 2024 Calendar, and it’s up on the website, here. Please come along to the planning day if you think you could help with the organisation of one of these events, or if you can’t make the planning day please email Please remember, QRA is completely run by its volunteer members – by entering a QRA event you become a member of the association, and we ask that each member makes a contribution to at least one event during the year. In many cases it won’t prevent you from competing. It’s a lot of fun, you learn heaps about rogaining and we have many experienced hands to support you if you are a little unsure, so give it a go. 

Wildfire Raid and Rogue Raid
Raid Adventures have opened entries in the first two ‘multi-dispcipline rogaine’ events of the year. These events are always very popular and will likely sell out, so get in quick!
Wildfire Raid:

Rogue Raid:

Australasian Rogaining Champs – NZ
The 2023 Australasian Rogaining Champs were held on 16-17 December near Tekapo on the South Island of NZ. Australians were well represented in the results:

The 2024 Australasian Rogaining Championships
WARA are hosting this year’s 24hr championships, on 7-8 September, approx 4.5 hrs drive NE of Perth. “This is red dirt and blue sky country, with goldrush history and complex topography (250-500m).” Mark it in your calendar today!

Australian Rogaining Discussion Group
A new discussion group for Australian rogaining news has been set up! You can request to join it here: Updates on Australian and International rogaining developments will be posted here (approximately monthly) and you can add your opinions to the discussion.

Other Discussion Groups
You are also invited to join these existing Australian-based discussion groups:
Maprun for rogaining:
Rogaine mapping:
Navlight users group:

National Rogaining Calendar
Why not incorporate a rogaine into your next interstate trip? It’s a great way to explore the country! All of the rogaines scheduled around Australia this year can be found in the National Calendar:

New rogaining category definitions in 2024!
From this year onwards, age categories are determined by year of birth rather than date of birth. For example, if you and all of your teammates have turned 55 (or older) by the end of 2024, you will qualify for Supervets for all of the events in 2024 even if you don’t turn 55 until late in the year. There is also a change to the age requirement for the Veterans category – all team members must be 45 years old or older on 31st December of the year of the event rather than 40 as before. The full rules with the new category definitions can be found here:

International rogaining developments
The IRF recently held a vote which maintained a ban on the Russia and Belarus applying to host World Rogaining Championships and the European Rogaining Championships until the end of 2024, and also maintained a ban on competitors from Russia and Belarus from competing in any WRCs and ERCs until the end of 2024. If you are interested in international rogaining, please join the new discussion group

2027 World Rogaining Championships Discussion
A meeting was held on 29th January to discuss possible bids for the 2027 World Rogaining Championships from Australia and New Zealand. The Australian rogaining clubs will investigate the possibility of submitting a joint bid supporting SARA to host the 2027 event in the Flinders Ranges, which is superb rogaining country. 

Hope to see you at a rogaine soon.

On behalf of your rogaining committee,
Paul Guard
QRA Communications