QRA is completely run by volunteers – members of the organisation and their family and friends. We do ask that each member makes a contribution to at least one event during the year. In many cases it won’t prevent you from competing. It’s a lot of fun, you learn heaps about rogaining and we have many experienced hands to support you if you are a little unsure, so give it a go. Event organisation roles include:
Mentor/Overseer: Provides the organiser with advice and guidance (usually a committee member or a veteran organiser). Organiser: Leads the organisation of that event. Assists the land liaison officer to gain permissions required for the event, hire equipment as required (toilets, buses), liaise with caterers, admin manager, on-the-day volunteers and control collectors. Land Liaison: Liaise with private landholders and/or government agencies to gain permission for land access. Identify course boundaries and pass on information to course setters and mapper. Course Setters: Select the course site, set the likely location of checkpoints, hash house and water drops. Visit the course several weeks or months pre-event to hang tape at the site of the checkpoints. Adjust the location of checkpoints on the ground if the area is unsuitable (e.g. dense scrub or terrain is unclear) or the area is unsafe. Vetters & Hangers: Visit all of the taped checkpoint sites closer to the event to verify correct positioning and fairness of the control location. Hang the checkpoint markers and Navlight punches. Liaise with Course Setters and resolve any disagreements on control location or fairness. Admin Volunteers: Monitor the online entries, manage registration on the event day, record team changes and send results and reports to QRA Committee. Help with gear unpacking, setting up and packing up. Map Creator: Order the digital data for the course area (if required) and create the course map using OCad or similar software. Navlight Operator: Set up and operate the electronic scoring system for the event. Hash House: Organise the catering, usually by coodinating with a local community group or charity fundraisers. Logistics: Organise truck or trailer hire to and from the event site, liaise with the QRA Equipment Officer to ensure gear is ready and available, pack and transport gear to and from site. Water / Safety / First Aid Officers: Take charge of first aid, water stop resupply and safety patrols during the event. The First Aid Officer needs a current first aid, nursing or medical qualification. Periodically, QRA organizes first aid courses for members. The course is fully subsidized by QRA and in return QRA expects the new first aider to volunteer at an event within the following 2 years. Control Collectors: Collect checkpoints after the event. A great way to improve your navigation skills. We really need all participants to help collect controls whenever possible – it makes the organiser’s job so much easier! |
Volunteer Rewards Rogaining Queensland has implemented a reward system to recognise the efforts of volunteers who make a major contribution to a QRA or Raid Adventures event. Volunteers who have contributed at least a full day to an event and have given up their opportunity to compete will be offered a $70 credit towards entry in a QRA or Raid Adventures event of their choosing within the following 12 months. Each event organiser will advise the committee of the names of qualifying persons after each event. Volunteer Rewards expire after a 12 month period. The Reward is not transferable. For more information, see this page. |
How to Volunteer If you would like to help with any event organisation tasks or contribute to the committee please let us know by sending an email to the Volunteer Coordinator, with any preferences for the event you’d like to help at and/or the role you are interested in. If you have a special skill that could help QRA please let us know. The coordinator will pass on your details to the relevant event organiser. |