Guides and Checklists

Rogaine Organiser’s ChecklistChecklist for organising a QRA event.
Slides from the Rogaine Organisation WorkshopSlides from the QRA workshop held in June 2023
Notes for Setting and VettingNotes for course setting and vetting (adapted from the ACTRA notes)
Making Rogaine Maps in QGISNotes from a map making workshop and QGIS styles
Map Making InformationTips for making rogaine maps
Equipment ListList of QRA equipment, with provision for recording gear taken.
QPWS-managed areasGuidelines for organising a rogaining event in QPWS-managed areas.
Event Planning SpreadsheetDetailed planning spreadsheet for organising a rogaine (by Andrew Cooksley).
Event Financial GuidelinesGuidelines for managing event financials.
Event Co-ordinator Checklist (VRA)Checklist for the event co-ordinator, from the VRA website.
Hash House GuideGuidelines for organising an event hash house.
Hash House Marquee InstructionsGuide for erecting the hash house marquee
Navigation GuideGuide to the fundamentals of navigation.
Organising a RogaineRod Costigan’s guide to organising a rogaine.
Tarpaulin InstructionsTarpaulin parts list and setup instructions.
Training Day ChecklistChecklist for organising a QRA training day.
Brisbane Travel Time ContoursMap showing travel times from Brisbane
Use of TrailersGuidelines for packing and towing trailers.